Category: ThreatIntel

  • Nightly claims to have access to Commercial Bank of Qatar

    A user on a Russian-speaking forum XSS claims to have access to database of Commercial Bank of Qatar. User of the forum, who goes by name of nightly, has made a thread with minimal information about the access and hasn’t shared any (sample/full) data yet. However, given the past behaviour of the user, we can…

  • Okta Source Code Leak

    A user on XSS forum, named nightly, has started a thread “Okta Source Code”, where they have shared some screenshots which allegedly depict their access. Might update this post if have time to analyse or get more info. Screenshot from XSS forum Below are screenshots shared by the user on the XSS forum:

  • Yet another stealer targeting macOS

    Yet another stealer targeting macOS

    Seems that infostealer developers are paying more and more attention to the macOS user base (or rather victim base). In the recent past, few strains of infostealer malware targeting macOS platform were found operating and there are some deeper analyses of the malware by security vendors. Recently, while browsing the infamous XSS forum, I stumbled…

  • Leak of FIFA World Cup 2018 Visitors

    I haven’t kept this blog nicely updated, have I? Well, family, work, seasonal depressions, you know, usual excuses. However, recently I came across of an interesting leak, allegedly containing personal information of the visitors of the FIFA World Cup 2018, which was held in Russia. The database, posted over at BreachForums in the end of…

  • BidenCash Releases Another Batch of Cards

    BidenCash Releases Another Batch of Cards

    NOTE: This post was originally written in March 2023 in my old blog. On 28th February, a user affiliated with the carding marketplace BidenCash posted on XSS forum that they are releasing a dataset, containing 2,165,701 payment card details, to celebrate their 1-year anniversary. It should be noted, that this is not the first “charity”…